Where to go next?
It is when we are in transition that we are most completely alive. — William Bridges
“Where to go next?” This question, seemingly innocuous, is a profound inquiry that often encapsulates the human psyche at life’s crossroads when one chapter has ended and the next is yet to begin. It is a question that resonates in the silence of human solitude while navigating through life transitions, reverberating under the weight of decisions and the possibilities of futures yet to crystallize.
Within this question lies a sense of melancholy, a poignant reminder of the transient nature of existence. It narrates the story of moments of purpose and engagement that once filled our lives but are now relegated to the realm of memory. This question emerges from the ashes of what a goal was once but has now ended. From those ashes, it rises like a phoenix to meet the uncertainty of the future and the possibilities of what we might become.
As we stand on the precipice of an unknown future, gazing at the distant horizon, the question sharpens our senses. Our mortality, always a silent companion, becomes a bit more eloquent. The ticking of clocks sounds louder, each tick echoing the relentless march of time towards our end.
Yet, within this question also lies a spark of hope, a beacon guiding us towards new selves. It is a call to adventure, a challenge to step out of our comfort zones and venture into the unknown. It is an invitation to explore, to learn, to grow. It is a reminder that every ending is merely a new beginning in disguise, a metamorphosis waiting to happen, except for now, that beginning is hidden inside the question “where to go next”.
So, “where to go next?” is not just a question but is at the roots of the continuation of journeys that glue together who we were, who we are, and who we will be. It is a question that propels us to undertake hard journeys of self-discovery, of finding meaning in the chaos and mundanity of our daily existence. It is a question that urges us to go beyond the confines of our solitude and seek connectedness with the universe. It is a question that assures us that our journey, despite its inherent uncertainty, always holds promises of growth.
In the end, “where to go next?” is a question that reflects the essence of being human. It is a question that, in its asking, reveals our deepest fears and highest hopes. It is a question that, while holding regrets of leaving something behind, also carries the ineffable excitement of something ahead.
It is a question that, no matter where the answer might lead us, reminds us of our quest for meaning and purpose. It is a question that, ultimately, connects who we were and who we aspire to become. It is a question that, in its simplicity and complexity, captures the beauty and mystery of life itself. It is a question that, in the end, embodies the essence of our journey.
“Where to go next?” is a question that bridges the past and future at certain crossroads in our life.
It is the question I pondered when walking back alone to the hotel on the last day after the conclusion of a successful meeting that I chaired — where to go next?